sâmbătă, 18 iulie 2015

Halfway to the grave by Jeaniene Frost

    Buffy the vampire slayer all the way! This book is about a girl half human-half vampire, Cat, who slays vampires in order to revenge her mother who was raped by a vampire. Unlike Buffy, she searches them in nightclubs, seduces them and when they leave they get a stake.
    All this until one day she meets Bones. The one who tricks her, ties her up and tortures her on order to get information about her boss (which she doesn't have). To escape this situation she proposes a bet: a fight, if she wins she kills Bones, if she loses, she will work for him (good thing that he also kills vampires, but he is a payed assassin). She loses for the first time, so practice, practice, practice!
    He puts her to run miles, fight her until she drops dead. He buys her sexy clothes to lure in the vampires. And so they are off to kill a wanted vampire.
    But romance is not missing from this book: they will fall in love. But how will it work out? Cat's family hates these creatures of the night.
    A really pleasant reading with everything you need from a book: action, romance and comedy! I recommend it all the way!

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