luni, 7 septembrie 2015

How to read more

   We're all busy sometimes and can't make room in our time for staying and reading. I admit that reading is best when you stay in a comfy chair, have a hot cup of coffee/tea/choco, silence or classical music, but we can't afford this kind of luxury everyday, or maybe once in a week.
   Well, I have solutions for this problem!

1. Take your book/ereader everywhere! You don't know when you have a little time to read while waiting for the bus, or staying at a line, lunch time (if you're esting alone), etc. I always carry the book I'm reading with me and I get a few chances to sneak an eye in it to read a few pages.

2. When going to bed, read for 5-10 minutes. It will make you sleep better, and if the book is awesome, same might be the dream. (if it's not a John Saul or Stephen King novel, then have fun!)

3. You can read if you use one hand for eating

4. Also, when you wait for something to install on you PC/phone

5. If you find the book boring, put it down. There is no shame in it, I've done it with a lot of books and eventually picked them up again later. You don't need to struggle to read something if you don't like it or if you're not in the mood for it. Take your time and find the right book for you

sâmbătă, 5 septembrie 2015

Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Being connected to Daemon Black sucks…

Thanks to his alien mojo, Daemon’s determined to prove what he feels for me is more than a product of our bizarro connection. So I’ve sworn him off, even though he’s running more hot than cold these days. But we’ve got bigger problems.

Something worse than the Arum has come to town…

The Department of Defense are here. If they ever find out what Daemon can do and that we're linked, I’m a goner. So is he. And there's this new boy in school who’s got a secret of his own. He knows what’s happened to me and he can help, but to do so, I have to lie to Daemon and stay away from him. Like that's possible. Against all common sense, I'm falling for Daemon. Hard.

But then everything changes…

I’ve seen someone who shouldn’t be alive. And I have to tell Daemon, even though I know he’s never going to stop searching until he gets the truth. What happened to his brother? Who betrayed him? And what does the DOD want from them—from me?

No one is who they seem. And not everyone will survive the lies…"

Thing are getting hotter in the second book of the Lux Saga! First of all, in the first pages is the famous "Want a cookie? Come and get it!" where Damon holds the cookie in his mouth and he wants Katy to take it and asdf <3 !!! 

  But they are starting to get in a lot of fights because of Blake. Blake? Blake is like Katy, has been alien-marked when he was young, and when he discovers that Katy is one of his kind he proposes to train her. She accepts because she wants to learn how to control and use her powers to help Daemon and Dee in their fight against Arums. But Daemon is jealous (and he is so cute when he is jealous <3 ). Katy strats to control her power and make objects levitate and move around the room. 
   But Arums aren't the biggest problem because DOD is after her and Daemon because of their link. Once they are sure Kat and Daemon are linked there isn't a way out: they are doomed. And most of it is beacuse        Katy saw someone that shouldn't be alive, and I think you've already figured it out who: Beth. But how and why? 
   Also, she is starting to fall really hard for our sexy alien boy! So much that she is confused and she tried to deny the feelings and make them go away. But really, who could say "no" to Daemon Black?
   And if these problems weren't enough for her, her mom made a new boyfriend, a really suspicious one!
   So... Onyx is awesome, Daemon is awesome, but most of all, JLA is awesome!

Lying Game by Sara Shepard

"I had a life anyone would kill for.

Then someone did.

The worst part of being dead is that there's nothing left to live for. No more kisses. No more secrets. No more gossip. It's enough to kill a girl all over again. But I'm about to get something no one else does--an encore performance, thanks to Emma, the long-lost twin sister I never even got to meet.

Now Emma's desperate to know what happened to me. And the only way to figure it out is to be me--to slip into my old life and piece it all together. But can she laugh at inside jokes with my best friends? Convince my boyfriend she's the girl he fell in love with? Pretend to be a happy, care-free daughter when she hugs my parents goodnight? And can she keep up the charade, even after she realizes my murderer is watching her every move?

From Sara Shepard, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Pretty Little Liars books, comes a riveting new series about secrets, lies, and killer consequences.

Let the lying game begin."

Sara Shepard is a master of mysteries. As I continued reading, I kept wondering who murdered Sutton, was it her sister? Her friends? Her neighbor? 
But, the book is written a bit weird. It's in Sutton's point of view. She is following her twin Emma everywhere and knows what she feels and thinks. She has to see how Emma replaces her, takes her place at the family dinner, goes on a date with her boyfriend, goes to a spa with her friends. 
But what if Emma is living under the same roof with the killer? What if she goes to the same school with the killer? She doesn't find out who murdered Sutton, she just freaks out because everyone would have a reason to kill the Queen Bee. And what if she is the next target? Or what if this is one of Sutton's games? 
Emma begins to discover that her twin sister is a backstabbing bitch, is mean to people and lies, lies and lies again. She takes life as a game, a lying game.
It's a really good mystery book, in my opinion is way better that Pretty Little Liars because of the fear it gives that Emma may be the killer's next victim. 
Too bad they cancelled the TV show (it was aired on ABC). I haven't seen it, but I plan to after I finish the series

Creatura by Nely Cab

"When seventeen year-old Isis Martin is having trouble sleeping due to perturbing dreams of a horrific growling beast, she decides to confront her fear. But what Isis discovers is something other than a menacing entity.

The human-like creature offers Isis assurance that he is not a figment of her imagination. Unwilling to accept his avowal, Isis sets his words to contest by asking the entity to prove himself—a dare, he readily welcomes.

It is in her dreams that Isis innocently stumbles upon the silent existence of the divine lineage of those that man has long forgotten.

In a quaint town, deep in south Texas, this story leads Isis onto the path of impermissible love and captivating life-changing truths. Isis Martin's journey is sure to leave any reader ravenous for more."

Awesome world, really bad action (until the end).
YA author Nely Cab has created a wonderful world of gods. It's a garden, green grass, colorful flowers, etc. Isis was the only human to ever reach this world, trough her dreams. When David discovers her, he considers she's an intruder and tries to scare her away. This ends up with Isis having nightmares that keeps her up all night.
One night, they finally get to talk and he tells her that this is god's world, and she got there through her dreams. Isis didn't believe him so she dares him to prove that he is real and the next day he shows up at her school.
And from here it becomes boring as Hell and really annoying. He stalks her, he is... too suffocating. I believe in love at first sight, but this is ridiculous, Adams writes poems to Isis that are way too sugarish, it almost made me puke.
Even with all these, the premise of the book made me believe in it so I kept reading, and indeed it was worth it in the end because the action came in the last pages. Isis turned into a strange creature, And the last sentence was breath taking. It ended in a cliff-hanger.

Conclusion: is a boring book, but the world is amazing. If you have the nerve to struggle until the end it will be worth it because in my opinion is awesome. I just hope the second book will be better at the action.

sâmbătă, 18 iulie 2015

Halfway to the grave by Jeaniene Frost

    Buffy the vampire slayer all the way! This book is about a girl half human-half vampire, Cat, who slays vampires in order to revenge her mother who was raped by a vampire. Unlike Buffy, she searches them in nightclubs, seduces them and when they leave they get a stake.
    All this until one day she meets Bones. The one who tricks her, ties her up and tortures her on order to get information about her boss (which she doesn't have). To escape this situation she proposes a bet: a fight, if she wins she kills Bones, if she loses, she will work for him (good thing that he also kills vampires, but he is a payed assassin). She loses for the first time, so practice, practice, practice!
    He puts her to run miles, fight her until she drops dead. He buys her sexy clothes to lure in the vampires. And so they are off to kill a wanted vampire.
    But romance is not missing from this book: they will fall in love. But how will it work out? Cat's family hates these creatures of the night.
    A really pleasant reading with everything you need from a book: action, romance and comedy! I recommend it all the way!

Go Ask Alice by Annonymus

    First of all, I don't care if it's real or not. This thing doesn't matter at all, what matters is that this journal book teaches us a very important lesson.
    This book is about a girl, we don't get to teally know her name, but let's just call her Alice. She was a typical teenager girl, whom got problems at school and her mother was annoying her. But it wasn't that bad. All teenagers think that the whole world is aganist them, but they grow-up and realise that sometimes you need to shape in a way to fit in (NOT CHANGE!).
    She moved away from her birth place and she felt a little homesick, but it was okay. She made a new friend (bff) and she was having fun. At summer she went visiting her grandparents in her natal town.
    While she was out, an old school friend (kind of friend) invited her to a party at her house. They served cans of coke and... surprise! A few of them had lsd in them, and Alice was "lucky" because she picked one of that. At first she didn't realise what was happening, but she liked the way she was feeling. All that colors, shapes, sounds... She was one with all of them.
    The next day she decides to try weed, so she asks last night's babysitter (when someone consumes lsd they need someone sober to watch over them because it's really dangerous to be alone). He gave her speed (cocaine and weed) and she loved it. Then she starts taking acid and has her first intercourse with this guy while on drugs.
    When she gets home she promises she wouldn't do drugs ever again, but once you start walking this patch, there is no going back. This applies to Alice too. She gets deeper in deeper in this world. She runs away from home, she forgets who she is, gets blackouts for months, she even gets raped.
    If you are thinking about starting doing drugs, at leasgbyou should read this book. Drug are really bad, they actually kill your brain cells, kills your immunity, you can't have kids from them. Shortly, they ruin your life.
    Again, if you want to try some kind of drug, just go through this quick reading, then ask yourself "is really worth it for a few hours of trips?"

vineri, 1 mai 2015

Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick

   "Nora Grey's life is still far from perfect. Surviving an attempt on her life wasn't pleasant, but at least she got a guardian angel out of it. A mysterious, magnetic, gorgeous guardian angel. But despite his role in her life, Patch has been acting anything but angelic. He's more elusive than ever (if that's possible) and what's worse, he seems to be spending time with Nora's archenemy, Marcie Millar.
   Nora would have hardly noticed Scott Parnell, an old family friend who has moved back to town, if Patch hadn't been acting so distant. Even with Scott's totally infuriating attitude, Nora finds herself drawn to him - despite her lingering feelings that he is hiding something.

   If that weren't enough, Nora is haunted by images of her murdered father, and comes to question whether her Nephilim bloodline has anything to do with his death. Desperate to figure out what happened, she puts herself in increasingly dangerous situations to get the answer. But maybe some things are better left buried, because the truth could destroy everything - and everyone - she trusts."

    Even through the first book wasn’t that great, the second it’s more entertaining, especially the last 20 pages.
   So, Nora fights with Patch and he runs to Nora’s arch enemy: Marcie Millar. She and Vee try to figure out what is between them, while Vee gets together with Rixon and Nora with Scott, an old friend from her childhood. But things aren’t so pink between them, especially because he might have something to do with his father death and he’s involved in the angel-nephilim world.
   Mixed with thrill, mystery, horror, drama and comedy, this book gets to you and it makes you want to finish it immediatly.

                                                         “You're a psychopath."
                                        "I prefer creative.” 

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

    "Romance was not part of Nora Grey's plan. She's never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school, no matter how hard her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her. Not until Patch comes along. With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, Patch draws Nora to him against her better judgment.
   But after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure whom to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is and seems to know more about her than her closest friends. She can't decide whether she should fall into his arms or run and hide. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is way more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel.
    For she is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those that have fallen - and, when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost Nora her life.”

     It’s a strange book. I wouldn’t recommend it if you are not in the mood for reading, because it found it... weird. But somehow is a nice lecture.
   First, Nora is an average girl and Patch is a fallen angel. And the love story it’s too rushed. But otherwise, it’s a good book, it has a little action there and there. But it kinda reminded me a bit of Twilight because Patch it’s a cold person and he follows (stalks) Nora.

    Anyway, it’s a good lecture for your free time and if you don’t have anything else to read. And I find Nora’s relationship with Vee very cute :D

                                            “Keep in mind that people change, but the past doesn't.” 

marți, 28 aprilie 2015

Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

   „Starting over sucks.
  When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I'd pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring... until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up.

  And then he opened his mouth.
  Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something... unexpected happens. 
  The hot alien living next door marks me.
  You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon's touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I'm getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades. 
  If I don't kill him first, that is.

  You devour it and it devours you. Obsidian is that type of book that you can’t close until you finish it.
Why? Two reasons: Katy is one of us, a bookworm; and Daemon is a hot alien.
Katy moves to West Virginia for a fresh start after her father’s death. A small town full of two kinds of aliens: Arums and Luxens. Her neighbors, Daemon and Dee are brothers luxens that came to Earth. Katy wants to be Dee’s friend, but Daemon doesn’t alllow it and he’s really rude to Katy. Dee forces her brother to behave with Katy and puts him to hang out with her. By this forced meetings with him, she starts to consider him sexy.
  That’s not all, when luxens uses their super powers around humans they leave a mark on them. And Katy shines like a Christmas Tree. Arums feel this mark and they use marked humans to lead them to luxens to devoir their essence and light. Katy has to get rid of the mark before the Black family dissapears, but how?

                   “Beautiful face. Beautiful body. Horrible attitude. It was                               the holy trinity of hot boys.” 

If I Stay by Gayle Forman

 Just listen, Adam says with a voice that sounds like shrapnel.
   I open my eyes wide now.
I sit up as much as I can.
And I listen.
  Stay, he says.

   Choices. Seventeen-year-old Mia is faced with some tough ones: Stay true to her first love—music—even if it means losing her boyfriend and leaving her family and friends behind?
   Then one February morning Mia goes for a drive with her family, and in an instant, everything changes. Suddenly, all the choices are gone, except one. And it's the only one that matters.
  If I Stay is a heartachingly beautiful book about the power of love, the true meaning of family, and the choices we all make.

On her death bed Mia has to make her hardest decision of her life, and it might be her last one. After a car crash her parents and brother dies, but she enters in coma. As a spirit, she is able to walk around the hospital. Her grandmother tells her that is her decision to stay or to go on the other side. But who would want to stay? Her family is dead and her body is very damaged. On the other hand, she lives for the music. Cello is her first passion, her way to express. And now the second, Adam (her boyfriend), Kat (her best friend) and the rest of the family. How can she be so cruel to leave them behind? This is the hardest decision anyone can face. What will she do?

                                          “I realize now that dying is easy. Living is hard.”

Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lighting Thief by Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson is a good kid, but he can't seem to focus on his schoolwork or control his temper. And lately, being away at boarding school is only getting worse-Percy could have sworn his pre-algebra teacher turned into a monster and tried to kill him. When Percy's mom finds out, she knows it's time that he knew the truth about where he came from, and that he go to the one place he'll be safe. She sends Percy to Camp Half Blood, a summer camp for demigods (on Long Island), where he learns that the father he never knew is Poseidon, God of the Sea. Soon a mystery unfolds and together with his friends -- one a satyr and the other the demigod daughter of Athena -- Percy sets out on a quest across the United States to reach the gates of the Underworld (located in a recording studio in Hollywood) and prevent a catastrophic war between the gods.

   One of the greatest book for all ages. Master of myth Rick Riordan combines ancient greek legends with our modern times. I would recommend it to anyone, all ages and taste. It has accesible language, even for people whom aren’t very experimented in english (if you want to read it in its original language, which I recommend)
   Percy is a half god and half human, son of Poseidon and a female human, but all hero. After he finds out who he really is, his mother is kidnapped when he arrives in Camp Half-Blood. He goes in quest with Grover (a satyr) and Annabeth (daughter of Athena) to find Zeus’ stolen lighting bold, but Poseidon is the main suspect of stealing it.
   Along the trip, they meet with lots of mythical creatures, such as Medusa and the Chimera. But will all of them survive? Will they find the lighting bold and its real thief? Most of all, will Percy save his mother? While reading you will have alot of question mark about how they will make it through the jorney, and I wish you want to find out by reading this fantastic masterpiece!

     „If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fiction, great. 
         Read on. I envy you for being able to believe that none of this ever                                                                happened.